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Well, in a PCB layout, if the size and layer of PCB are limited, then the shape and volume of cmponents should make full use of the space to provide marvelous heat dissipation, sensitivity and so on.
Although water has a large dielectric constant, it is still not suitable to be used in capacitors. So why? Once water integrated into other ions whose dielectric constant becomes small definitely, at this time, which is like a conductor. Furthermore, if t
ARC Welding Machine: ARC welding transformer, which is a special transformer whose fuction is converting AC current of network voltage into low voltage AC current that is matched to ARC welding.
Radar Working Principle:
Emitting the electromagnetic energy to the space with a directional way and receiving the radio wave which is refleced from the object of space.
Frankly speaking, the average latency of a WiFi network is far more than the wired network. Generally, wired network is less than 1 ms, while WiFi network is 1–3ms, which is 10–100 times of the former;
In fact, ther are sensors in all microphones, one of them is the moving coil transducer whose structure principle that is splicing a light metal coil in the elastic diaphragm; Due to the coil is in a field of permanent magnet, as the elastic diaphragm vib